Friday, January 23, 2009

First prenatal appointment

Last evening was our first prenatal appointment with Nora. I was hoping we'd be able to hear the heartbeat, but I'm not far along enough yet, so that is being saved for our next appointment, which will be on Tuesday, February 17. Wow, I'll almost be done with my first trimester then!

The appointment was very informational. We talked about nutrition, exercise, stress management and a ton of other stuff. She gave us SO much information about everything from the stages of labor to what is actually going on in my body to breastfeeding. It was fantastic.

She measured my uterus and said it was exactly where it should be. My blood pressure was perfect, my urinalysis was perfect...Everything's going along very well. She weighed me and the number was SHOCKING, but after some thought, I realized that I don't usually weigh myself fully clothed at night, so I felt a bit better after subtracting some pounds for clothes and meals.

So, for the next four weeks, I just need to work on eating well, going on walks every day and keeping my stress levels to a minimum. The eating is CRAZY! As a base, I should try to eat two eggs and a whole quart of milk every day. Those two things will give me all the protein the baby and I need. Luckily, since she told me that, milk has tasted better...I wonder why? ;)

To come: I am planning on writing a "why we chose home birth" post over the weekend, since a few people have expressed interest in knowing.

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