Tuesday, September 1, 2009

39 Weeks

I am due NEXT WEDNESDAY! I was really hoping someone would ask me when I'm due while I was out and about so I could say "next week!" but they didn't. Lame of them.

I ate a semi-spicy Thai lunch and walked around Target, semi-hoping something would happen, but nothing did. However, I did get some more baby essentials using my 10% off coupon, so that was nice.

After my organizing, vacuuming and baseboard-cleaning yesterday, my body has told me "enough." So, I am doing my best to listen to my body and rest as much as possible. As someone pointed out to me on Facebook, today could be my last day to save up some energy! After a full week of almost non-stop cleaning, I think it's time for me to focus on letting my body relax and rejuvenate.

How I'm Feeling
Good mood, exhausted body. I'm having more/stronger Braxton Hicks contractions and some random pains every now and again. Also, I've noticed that first trimester-like hormones are back, complete with nausea and mood swings.

Oh, also, I'm craving milk like CRAZY!

What Bean's Doing
(taken from baby-gaga.com)

Whether you give birth tomorrow or next week, it's pretty much all the same for your baby, who is now truly R-E-A-D-Y to face the big bright world outside of your womb. Speaking of wombs, your body is priming up for the big moment and hopefully, you're as prepared mentally as you can be. Your baby is well stocked up on fat, all their organs have put on the finishing touches. Here's hoping your child is already in the birthing position and basically just "hanging out" waiting for that elusive moment when all sysytems synchronize in your body to trigger the labor process.


  1. I'm so excited for you guys!!

    Why is your new profile pic a green onion?

  2. Oh, hah, that's 'cause last week Bean was about as long as a leek. I forgot to change it...

  3. Baseboard cleaning... sounds about right.
