I am pretty much brainless these days, so this post will probably be short, sweet and completely convoluted.
It appears as if I will not be returning to my job in any way, shape or form after the baby is born. It is really weird to think that after 2.5 years of working for a place, I just won't be working for them anymore. I feel at peace about it, though, and am doing my best to trust in the Lord regarding our finances. There are a few things I plan to pursue that would make a little money and allow me to work from home, so hopefully a couple of those pan out.
Only two weeks until I'm full term! I would love for Bean to wait until September to make his or her debut (I don't really want an August baby, mostly because I like the name August for a boy), but I definitely wouldn't be upset if it happened before that. I am so ready to meet this baby!
Prayer request: my iron levels are still quite a bit lower than we want them to be by the time I deliver. Because my due date is so close, I am starting to worry that my iron levels will still be very low, which could lead to major complications. Prayers that my body will absorb the massive amounts of iron I am taking would be very much appreciated!
How I'm Feeling
Aside from being super tired, WAY emotional and practically brain dead, I am doing well. My body is impressing me every day by being almost entirely pain-free. I've been having a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions, which makes me excited about the fact that it's almost time to meet my son or daughter! I just hope and pray that nothing happens before I'm 27 weeks.
What Bean's Doing
(taken from pregnancyhut.com)
The baby is growing fast and measures around 18 inches long with a weight of around 5 ½ to 6 pounds. The majority of the baby’s growth is complete by the 35th week. The development of the baby’s kidneys is complete and the liver is beginning to produce waste. The baby will have less space in the body to move; however its kickboxing routine that you might be counting at a specific period of the day will remain the same. If you have not started bonding with your baby this is a good time to start as the baby’s hearing faculty is fully developed by now. Do not feel awkward while chatting in baby talk as experts say that newborns pay close attention to high pitched tones. 99% of the babies born in the 35th week can survive outside the womb without any problems. The baby’s central nervous system is still developing but the lungs are mostly fully developed. Most of the protective tissues and hair tend to disappear but some of it might remain as a scaly coating. Tiny vellus hair grows in the next few weeks. Your baby is getting plump and the fat deposits begin to form which add fullness to the baby’s arms and legs.
Just hold in bean for another week so you can come to my shower! We are so very excited to meet our new niece/nephew, and I am very jealous that you don't have to go back to work! God is good and provides in amazing ways, so place that burden on His shoulders and don't give it a second thought. We love you and we're praying for that little bean's health, as well as yours!