Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Seventeen Weeks

Bean is growing! Want to know how I can tell? I felt kicks from the outside! Yesterday, I got three taps to the hand, and this morning I felt some wiggles and taps. Also, Bean will be at one side of my belly kicking away, then it'll be still for a moment, then I feel kicks on the other side! It is the coolest thing in the world, ever.

Also, I found out that my good friend (1.5 weeks ahead of me pregnancy-wise) is having a little girl! I am just so overjoyed! Thank heaven for little girls. :D

How I'm Feeling
Better and better all the time. Still getting headaches and I'm pretty tired all the time, but I have way more energy now and my hormones are definitely more balanced. Plus, the headaches may go away. I went to the eye doctor and I am apparently borderline nearsighted, so I'm getting some rose colored glasses to help while I'm at work. Yes, rose colored glasses...It's hilarious!

What Bean's Doing
(taken from babygaga.com)

Don't be too shocked but... your baby is EVEN bigger than it was last week, not to mention getting cuter, and smarter every day! As you’ve come to expect, there’s no shortage of growth and development this week: your fantastic little bean stalk has added yet another half inch to their overall height-- making them nearly half a foot long! Their little limbs have reached (or are within one week of) their relative proportions, and will continue to grow evenly with the rest of the body after this week. Reactive listening has begun for your baby, even though their ears are not yet structurally complete or fully functional. Meanwhile, different parts of their astonishingly complex brain are developing to process your little one’s hearing and other senses, (you know, sight, smell, taste and touch). Mind boggling factoid of the week: if you’re having going to have a little girl, her ovaries have already produced millions of primordial egg cells, which, within a few weeks, will develop into actual eggs! Phew… just wait till she’s a teenager eh?


Short and sweet: BACON. I want bacon. Heaps of it. For breakfast, I would like bacon and bacon with a side of bacon.

(Also, some cranberry juice cocktail to wash down all that delicious BACON!)


  1. Hahahah I love the bacon craving, that's hilarious. Isn't it crazy how weeks are flying by?! I wanted to ask you, do you know when your having your baby shower?

  2. That makes up for all the years you said "bacon, ewww". You are finally a real Kelly. I can't wait to feel Bean move!

  3. Has Jacob been able to feel Bean yet? I remember how magical it was to get to share that! Ah, I am so excited!

  4. No, he was gone the past two evenings and he missed EVERYTHING. I even SAW Bean kick last night...All by myself. :'(
