Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eight weeks

Bean looks like a baby! Check out my newest profile picture for an amazing look at what Bean probably looks like right now.

Sorry for a day-late post. I was not feeling up to much of anything yesterday, so I let it slide. The past week was somewhat uneventful. I fell asleep at about 9:00 every night, which made me think that Bean was growing super fast. Well, I was right! Bean now has cute little fingers and toes (un-webbed, most likely) and all sorts of other cool stuff.

This week, we are super excited to go down to Sacramento for my mom's birthday. We have some fun (SURPRISE) stuff planned, and I can't wait to see her reaction. Although, she's been NOSY and has made keeping it all a secret very difficult. I'm hoping she's not disappointed because she's been guessing things that are a little more exciting than what we actually have planned, so we'll see.

I did not forget about my "why we chose home birth" post, although I've been forgetting just about everything else lately. This past weekend was the worst of my morning sickness, so it got pushed aside. Soon, I promise!

How I'm Feeling
Very tired. The morning sickness took a turn for the worst for a couple days, but it's getting better now. I'm still having very strong food aversions, but more food actually sounds good, which is nice. Lately, I've been into sandwiches with lots of mustard and lettuce.

Clothes are fitting a little more snugly. I'm in between my normal clothes and maternity clothes, and I'm not sure what I want to do. I need to go out and find a Bella Band, I think.

What Bean's Doing
(taken from
Woohoo! You've got one whole inch of baby inside of you! Your little embryo has finally reached the one-inch mark (30mm). And if it were possible to take a peek, you could actually see your tiny baby without a telescope! What’s more, your baby is finally starting to take on some very distinct human features. For starters, their little tail (really just the spinal cord) has disappeared completely. It’s nice to know your baby can no longer be mistaken for a sea creature! Additionally, both their toes and fingers are prominent with very little, if any, webbing. Upper and lower limbs all show recognizable joints (elbows and knees) and the lower limb bones are starting to ossify. But don’t expect your baby to resemble either parent quite yet. Right now, your baby’s head is disproportionately larger than the rest of their body--making up almost half of your little one’s height and weight!

Also, this site has some cool close-up shots of what Bean looks like about now: Click the thumbnails at the bottom to see all the different views.


  1. Yay for fingers and toes! Sorry your morning sickness has been worse. I crave sandwhiches with lots of mustard TOO! Sadly, it's because I like mustard and not because I'm going to add another little one to the fam.

  2. Diana is funny. =] How exciting that little Bean has defined fingers and toes now! Glad to hear the morning sickness is subsiding. Hmmm, barfing every single morning does NOT sound like a good time, but it will be worth it in the end. =]
    Hope your mom's par-tay goes well!

